Our mission is to develop interest in science and engineering careers in young people and offering them a chance to interact with scientists and engineers.
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Fair Home
For all important dates and relevant information regarding the CT Science and Engineering Fair, click the button below.
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Review the school registration and student registration rules to ensure that both students and schools meet the eligibility requirements.
How to Register

Judges Page
To access the judge’s page you must fill out a registration form and be approved to judge.
Judges Page
The Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair is a yearly, statewide science and engineering fair open to all 7th through 12th-grade students residing, or enrolled, in Connecticut schools and Fishers Island. An important objective of our program is to attract young people to careers in science and engineering while developing skills essential to critical thinking. Through science fair participation, students are encouraged to pursue independent work using proper research methods.
The Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair is supported by academic and industrial organizations throughout the state. We are an all-volunteer organization, with funds directed to student awards, Fair operations, workshops, and educational presentations.