2025 Important Dates & Deadlines

Fair begins on February 26 with the opening of the project upload portal and ends on March 15 with the awards ceremony.
The 2025 CT Science and Engineering Fair will be virtual for preliminary judging and in-person for finalist judging.
Week 1: March 4 & 5, Preliminary Judging
Week 2: March 12, Finalist Interviews and  March 15, Awards at Quinnipiac University

See below for yearlong schedule with dates and times for fair weeks.

August 24, 2024
–Project registration opens.
–School registration opens.

October 15, 2024
–Deadline to seek approval for independent status.

October 31, 2024
–School registration closes at 11:59 pm.
–Approval and registration fee deadline for independent projects.

November 15, 2024
–Independent project registrations are due.

December 1, 2024
–All high school registrations close at 11:59 pm.
–All non-EZ path projects middle school and high school are due by 11:59 pm.

January 15, 2025
–Abstract submissions open.
–Submit your abstract here.

February 15, 2025
–All middle school registrations due by 11:59 pm.
–High school projects selected by school fairs are due by 11:59 pm.

February 26, 2025 – Project Portal Opens for project uploads. Submit your project here

March 1, 2025
–Last day to submit abstracts. Uploads close at 11:59 pm. Submit your abstract here.
–Project Portal Closes for Project Uploads at 11:59 pm. Upload your project here.

Fair Week 1

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 – Virtual Life Science Preliminary Judging, 9 am – 1:30 pm

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 – Virtual Physical Science Preliminary Judging, 9 am – 1:30 pm

Friday, March 7, 2025 – Finalist list posted on website by 10 pm. When you confirm your finalist status, you will receive instructions on arrival and setup procedures.

Fair Week 2

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – Finalist judging (in-person) at Quinnipiac University, 7:30 am – 1:00 pm

Thursday, March 13, 2025 – List of Special Award Winners posted to website by 10 pm

Saturday, March 15, 2025 – Awards Ceremony (in-person)
In-person Middle School Finalists Awards Ceremony, 9 am – 10 am
In-person Special Awards Ceremony, 10:30 am - 11:30 am
In-person High School Finalists Awards Ceremony, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Project Registration Questions
Registration Chair: registrationhs@ctsciencefair.org
Fair Director: director@ctsciencefair.org