Hello Science Fair Friends, Sponsors, and Alumni,
The four top high school winners of the Connecticut State Science Fair and the top two winners of the Science Horizons Regional Fair are packing their bags and heading to San Jose, California, Sunday, May 9. There, they will compete in The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), the world’s largest pre-college competition of science and engineering.
It is a tradition of our Fair to provide newsletters detailing our group’s adventures for our sponsors and friends. The newsletters will be emailed to you in advance of being posted on the fair’s website. A limited number of photos will be attached to the emails but a great many more will be available through the CSF website. There will be approximately five email newsletters, one for each major event.
Follow along with us:
Sunday- Getting through the Scientific Review Committee and project set-up
Monday- Finishing Project Setup, Opening Ceremony
Tuesday- Clearing Project Violations, San Jose Sightseeing, Nobel Laureates, Welcoming Party
Wednesday- Judging and Student/Adult Mixer Thursday- Public Viewing & Special Awards Ceremony Friday- Grand Awards Ceremony and San Francisco Sightseeing
2010 Intel ISEF: Get the Finalist Directory and judge for yourself. There is much to be learned from even a project title.
ISEF Stats: Finalists, 1611; Females, 759 (47%) Males, 852 (53%) Freshman, 183, Sophomores, 314, Juniors, 504, Seniors, 610
For expanded coverage and many photos, visit this website throughout the coming week. If you need additional information beyond what’s provided, please let us know.
The Official Party
Connecticut State Science Fair- View the students’ abstracts and bios at:
- Amoolya Narayanan, Junior, Glastonbury High School, Glastonbury “Effect of Trans- cinnamaldehyde on reducing attachment and invasion of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in urinary epithelial cells”
- Jason Gandelman, Senior, Staples High School, Westport, “Bioinformatic and Synthetic Approaches to Studying Advanced Glycation End-products in Eukaryotes“
- William Newberry, Senior, Greenwich High School, Greenwich, “Diatom-CdS Nanostructures as a Method to Enhance the Efficiency of a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell” • Heather Leask, Senior, Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, “The Use of Sol-Gels for the Fabrication of a Memristive Device”
Science Horizons Regional Fair- View the students’ abstracts and bios at: http://www.ctsciencefair.org/year/documents/CSFISEFAbsMedia10.pdf
- Jacob Ness, Senior, New Milford High School, New Milford, CT “The Cross Pollination of an Edible Pumpkin with a Powdery-Mildew Resistant Ornamental Pumpkin to Create an Edible Powdery-Mildew Resistant Pumpkin“
- Madeleine Skaller, Junior, Brewster High School, Brewster, NY “Biomimetic Insulation: Inspired by the Eastern Tent Caterpillar White-Tailed Deer“
Accompanying Adults:
- Mrs. Ann Frattalone, CSF Regular Awards Chair
- Mr. Wynn Müller, ISEF Coordinator, Registration Chair, CT Science Fair
- Mrs. Sandra Müller, President, Scientific Review Committee Chair, CT Science Fair
- Mrs. Evelyn Brown, Science Teacher, Fields Memorial School, Bozrah and CT Science Fair Registration Committee
- Mr. Bob Wisner, Fair Director, CT Science Fair
Breaking News:
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded”][intlink id=”137″ type=”post”]CSF Competitors win big at I-SWEEEP[/intlink], the International Sustainable World Energy, Engineering, Environment Project
See I-SWEEEP through the Diary of Bridget & Theresa Oei, top winners at the 2010 I- SWEEEP
On behalf of our Board, Officers, and Executive Committee, thank you for your continuing support of the Connecticut Science Fair. We hope that you enjoy following the week’s activities.
George “Bob”Wisner
Fair Director
Connecticut Science Fair
36 Laurel Wood Drive
Deep River, Connecticut 06417
Home Office: 860‐526‐9103
Cell: 860‐395‐8825
FAX: 860‐525‐4354
2010 Connecticut Science Fair
Quinnipiac University
March 9‐13, 2010