2014 ISEF Newsletter #1

Hello Science Fair Friends, Sponsors, and Alumni,

The six top high school winners of the 2014 Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair are packing their bags and heading to Los Angeles, Sunday, May 11. (Sorry Mothers!) There, they will compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), the world’s largest precollege science and engineering competition.

Intel ISEF will take place from Sunday, May 11 through Friday, May 16. It is a tradition of our Fair to provide newsletters detailing our group’s adventures for our sponsors and friends. The newsletters will be emailed to you and will be posted on the Fair’s website – [intlink id=”4104″ type=”post”]Click Here[/intlink]

A limited number of photos will be attached to the emails but a great many more will be available through the CSEF website. There will be approximately six email newsletters, one for each major event.

Follow along with us:

  • Sunday – Arrive in Los Angeles noontime, check into hotel, have have lunch, go through registration and off to the student pin exchange
  • Monday – Getting through the Scientific Review and the Display Rules & Safety Committees, and project set-up
  • Tuesday – Clear any Project Violations, Visit the California Science Center and attend the Excellence in Science and Technology Panel Discussion with Nobel Laureates, Mixer Event
  • Wednesday – Judging and Welcome Event at Universal Studios
  • Thursday – Public Viewing &  Evening Special Awards Ceremony
  • Friday – Grand Awards Ceremony, Pack up projects, Hollywood Tour and “redeye” flight back home

2014 Intel ISEF – Get the 2014 ISEF Finalist Directory


Peruse the Finalist Directory and judge for yourself. There is much to be learned from even a project title.

Official Party

View CSFISEFWinners14 containing the students’ abstracts and bios, and the bios for the accompanying adults.


  • Megan Boyer, Senior, Manchester High School, The Effects of Barefoot and Shod Running on Risk of Injury in High School, Female, Recreational Runners
  • Isabelle Goldstein, Senior, Ridgefield High School, Partitioning Gamma-Ray Sources in Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations for Spatial and Spectral analysis
  • Emma Goodman, Junior, Greenwich High School, Synergistic Antimicrobial Activity of Manuka Honey and Silver Nitrate
  • Janine Kerr, Junior, Danbury High School, Biological Control of the Invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil Using Aquatic Weevils
  • Anubhuti Mathur, Junior, Glastonbury High School, The Synthesis and Characterization of EGCG-PLAGA Conjugates and Mixtures: A Novel Biomaterial for Tissue Engineering
  • Bridget Oei,  Senior, East Catholic School, Manchester, Investigating the Efficacy of Bioluminescent Mushroom Panellus stipticus as a Biosensor to Detect the Toxicity of Water Contaminants

Accompanying Adults:

  • Ann Frattalone, ISEF Week Coordinator, Regular Awards Chair, Connecticut Technical High School System (retired)
  • Andy Bramante, ISEF Week Associate Coordinator, Science Research Teacher, Greenwich High School
  • Diane Corcoran Pintavalle, ISEF Week Chaperone, AP Biology and Advanced Research Mentorship program, Glastonbury High School
  • Bob Wisner, CSEF Fair Director, United Technologies Research Center and Otis Elevator (retired)

On behalf of our Board, Officers, and Executive Committee, thank you for your continuing support of the Connecticut Science and Engineering Fair. We hope that you enjoy following the week’s activities.

To receive our posts and newsletters (published occasionally throughout the year) Subscribe below.

For the Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair

Bob Wisner, Fair Director

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