Keep tabs on the Connecticut team heading to Atlanta, GA to compete in the 2022 International Science and Engineering Fair! A record of our daily newsletters is below:
3/8/22. Meet the students
3/8/22. Student Bios and Abstracts
3/9/22. Newsletter #2 by Ashley Malkin, Greenwich High School
3/10/22. Newsletter #3 by Snigtha Mohanraj, ESUMS
3/11/22. Newsletter #4 by Naomi Park, Greenwich High School
3/12/22. Newsletter #5 by Nicholas Lee, Hopkins School
3/13/22. Newsletter #6 by Maya Chiravuri, Choate Rosemary Hall
3/14/22. Newsletter #7, includes results! by Benjamin Persily, King School
3/15/22. Wrap Up Newsletter by Ambika Grover, Greenwich High School