Arrival in Pittsburgh
Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair and Science Horizons students have arrived in Pittsburgh for the 2012 Intel International Science & Engineering Fair. This year our combined representation is a record number of 8 with 6 students from CSEF. All the projects have approved by the ISEF Scientific Review Committee and set up can begin.
After registering to get badges and medals the order of business was to check to see if the projects all arrived safe and sound. Then, it was getting to be 5:00 pm the crew said “Let’s eat!”. Finding a restaurant open in downtown Pittsburgh on Sunday was a bit of a challenge but the Chinese Buffet welcomed us.
See Sunday’s photos. And check out the “wall of fame” containing the names of all ISEF competitors.
Opening Ceremony Webcast – Monday, May 14, 7-9 PM
Join us in watching this great event and get a feeling for the enormous size of ISEF.
Andy Bramante’s Report
The first day of ISEF 2012 trip began like many before us, with an early-morning strategy meeting at McDonald’s café, at Bradley airport; from all accounts, the eggs and muffins were fresh, the pancakes were adequately microwaved back to life, and the coffee was grind free!
Thanks to Ms. Fratalone, all students were fed, including John Solder, who appears to have an amazing appetite, verified by his yearning for 3 hamburgers throughout the day. Following a short stay at the airport, we all boarded our flight for an uneventful 1 hour trip to Pittsburgh. What was most interesting about the flight was the steward’s concern for the needs of the young female passengers. I was thirsty too, you know! In Pittsburgh, we were greeted by an ISEF welcoming committee, who arranged for a private shuttle to the Westin Hotel. During the shuttle, we were entertained by Ryota’s cover of what appeared to be the theme song for The Wiggles. The Westin Hotel accommodations are exceptional. After check-in, we visited the conference center, to register, and find that all of the poster materials had arrived safely. Dinner followed at a local Chinese restaurant, which was truly a tasty surprise! Note to travelers;dinner reservations in downtown Pittsburgh on a Sunday evening are almost impossible. To close the day, the students traded bags (literally) of pins at the pin-exchange event! A full day is in the books at ISEF 2012; all of the kids are smiling, having a blast, meeting new friends, and developing close ties within the group!