Mandatory Attendance
- All student competing in the fair must be present for Preliminary Judging (Virtual) Week 1
- If you are a Middle School or High School Finalist, you must be present for Finalist Judging (In Person) Week 2
- If you are a Middle School Finalist, you must be present for the Saturday Middle School Finalist Awards Ceremony.
- If you are a High School Finalist, you must be present for the Saturday High School Finalist Awards Ceremony.
- If you are a Special Awards Winner, you must be present for the Saturday Special Awards Ceremony.
Get a PDF version of the Mandatory Attendance requirements in the document library.
Approved Absence – Absences for religious observations, tests, or special circumstances will be approved if a qualifying exemption request is submitted to Dr. Frank LaBanca, Fair Director, no later than March 1.
Upload Projects to the Project Portal. Review the student guide in the document library to ensure compliance with all requirements and deadlines for project uploads.
Saturday Awards Ceremonies. If you are chosen as a Finalist or Special Awards winner, award ceremony attendance is mandatory. Failure to attend may result in forfeiture of award.
Attendance Exemptions. Exemptions are granted for religious observances and special circumstances.
Excused absences for special circumstances will be considered if the request is emailed to the Fair Director no later than 6:00 PM, the Saturday before the Awards Ceremonies. Email to:
Family vacations, previous social commitments, and ski trips are not considered extraordinary circumstances.